Zpacks specialises in creating ultralight outdoor gear for backpacking, hiking, and other thru-hiking. Founded in 2005 by Joe Valesko, an experienced thru-hiker with over 9,700 long-distance miles under his belt, the company is renowned for its innovative and lightweight yet durable equipment.
Zpacks tents from Valley and Peak are priced no higher than buying directly from Zpacks. Order now to reduce your carbon footprint and enjoy fast delivery in the UK.
The hallmark of Zpacks products is their emphasis on reducing weight while maintaining functionality and quality. This is crucial for outdoor enthusiasts who want to minimise the weight they carry, allowing them to move faster and more comfortably across various terrains.
Learn more about Zpacks and our awesome range of Zpacks tents here.
Tried and tested outdoor brands for backpackers, hikers, campers, ultralight campers, thru-hikers and van-lifers.