Washing and proofing your waterproof clothing between uses can help to increase the longevity of your clothing. However, it is important that it is done properly. We want your outdoor gear to last the test of time, that’s why a waterproofing spray is a must-have item for outdoor enthusiasts.
Whether you’re looking to wash your much beloved waterproof jacket or the tent that you’ve been using for years. We have the waterproof spray for you.
Over time excessive washing can result in items losing their waterproof qualities, that’s why brands such as Nikwax, Storm, and Grangers have formulated washing and proofing products to ensure that’s a problem of the past.
Enhance water-repellent finishes and increase the longevity of your waterproof gear with our range of concentrated wash in cleaners and sprays.
However, if you’re looking to add to your collection of waterproof gear check out our waterproof jackets, waterproof trousers, and high-quality tents.
For more information, inspiration, and guidance on all things outdoors as well as what we have on offer at Valley and Peak make sure you check out our expert written blogs, we recommend:
>The Best Waterproof Jacket For Your Hike
>How To Care For Your Tent: Cleaning, Maintenance, & Storage
Tried and tested outdoor brands for backpackers, hikers, campers, ultralight campers, thru-hikers and van-lifers.