In 2002, Vargo was started with the belief that great outdoor gear is all about pairing the best materials with simple, innovative, and functional designs. Titanium was the obvious choice for their hard goods due to its durability and lightweight strength.
Over a decade later, Vargo are proud of how far they have come thanks to a little imagination and the support of dedicated customers.

Vargo Titanium Gear
From small beginnings come great things. What started as a seed planted in an adventurer’s mind turned into a company that creates, innovates, and delivers lightweight, durable, and cutting-edge gear for outdoor enthusiasts around the world.
"Our relentless pursuit of making things better, of answering questions, and of finding solutions continues to drive us. It’s our bedrock, our reason to be. We’re excited to have you along for the ride." Brian Vargo

Titanium Travel Mug 450 & Hexagon Wood Stove
Inspiration comes from the most unexpected places. In 1995, while living in Japan, Brian Vargo read a story about an Appalachian Trail hike. Curiosity piqued, he committed himself to learning everything there was to know about the trip. He didn’t own a backpack or tools but what he lacked in gear, he made up for in enthusiasm and by April, he was ready to go.
The 5 months that it took Brian to navigate the trail changed him. It gave him the chance to ask questions such as “what’s the meaning of it all?” but also to “why am I carrying so much stuff?” As it turns out, the scores of gear he had eventually acquired for the trip were far more heavy than they were useful, convincing him that there had to be a better way.
It just so happened there was. Not long after his return, Brian started a website, a place to share his experiences and to offer and receive advice about hiking and backpacking, something that wasn’t readily available at the time. He never intended for it to be his career, it was simply what he was passionate about. His blog was an outlet, a way to connect with like-minded adventurers, to ask and answer some of the big questions.
Fast forward to 2002 when Brian, noticing that his hiking website was enjoying a certain degree of popularity, decided to try his hand at e-commerce. Having spent months carrying 40 lbs of gear on his back, he had a few ideas about how to do things better and how he might lighten things up.

Titanium BOT HD & Hexagon Wood Stove
Taking stock of the outdoor gear market, Brian noticed a considerable void. As a result, he decided to focus on ultra-light, incredibly durable products for backpackers, hikers, and all manner of outdoors people.
His aha moment came to him, unsurprisingly, on a hike. High grade titanium, known for its unparalleled strength and durability, seemed like the perfect foundation for a new generation of outdoor gear. In that moment, Vargo was born.
In its nascent stage, Vargo started small. First came a spork, a stove, and a tent stake, all met with significant excitement and enthusiasm. Distributors and consumers alike were thrilled. Finally, gear that was packable, reliable, and durable.
In addition to its durability and lightness, titanium boasted a host of qualities that made it attractive to all kinds of adventurers. Strong, resistant to corrosion, flexible, and biocompatible, all features that matter when you’re out in the wild.

There’s more to outdoor gear than meets the eye. Having the right equipment allows for longer, safer, and more enjoyable excursions. In other words, the type of trip to make memories that last a lifetime. That’s why Vargo focus on creating lightweight, dependable, and innovative products, the types of things that we want to use for ourselves. Products that become favourites and provide a solid return on investment.
Vargo never do things halfway, something that becomes readily apparent the moment you pick up a Vargo product. Even the most basic tools demonstrate their commitment to thinking outside of the box. Often the first, always the leader, Vargo are dedicated to being stronger, better, and lighter than anyone else.
Vargo was the first to: